2021–2023sonologija, Inštitut za Sonologijo, Kraljevi konservatorij, Haag, Nizozemska, akademski naslov: magistra sonologije, magistrsko delo: Empatične atmosfere: Zvočne zgodbe za občutljivo sobivanje
2006 中文系,北京语言文化大学, poletna šola za kitajski jezik, Beijing Language and Culture University, Peking, LR Kitajska
2004–2005 Tečaj za kustose sodobne umetnosti, Svet umetnosti, SCCA-Ljubljana
1996–2003 sinologija, Oddelek za azijske študije, Filozofska fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani, akademski naslov: univerzitetno diplomirana sinologinja, diplomsko delo: Kolektivno avtorstvo kitajskih propagandnih plakatov, COBISS.SI-ID – 62305890
1996–2003 laična teologija, Teološka fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani, akademski naziv: profesorica teologije, diplomsko delo: Modernistično slikarstvo v cerkvah na Slovenskem (1965-1985), COBISS.SI-ID – 7392090
2000 rezidenca v budističnem samostanu, 佛教弘誓學院, Okrožje Guanyin, Taoyuan, Taiwan
1998–1999 中文系,北京语言文化大学, Študij kitajskega jezika, Beijing Language and Culture University, Peking, LR Kitajska
1992–1996 Grafično oblikovanje, Srednja šola za oblikovanje in fotografijo (SŠOF), Ljubljana, Slovenia
2020 zvočno oblikovanje v okviru umetniške rezidence Anje Bornšek, Barbare Kanc in Tine Valentan, Katedrala, Kino Šiška v kontekstu EPK 2025
2019 rezidenca za terensko snemanje, Sonic Future Residencies, v organizaciji Zavoda Jumătatea plină inpodcast platforme za radijsko umetnost, ustvarjalne zvočne dokumentarce in terensko snemanje SEMI SILENT, Nacionalni park Delte Donave, Romunija
zvočni sprehod, Memodrom, v sodelovanju z Daretom Pejićem (augenmasom), Festival radikalne hoje TO)pot, produkcija: Zavod Cona, Ljubljana (SI), 1. in 2. september 2024
delavnica, Nevidnosti , ARIA, Algo-ritemski ideacijski zbor, Kreativni center Krušče (SI), 20. avgust 2024
koncert, Jata C, Kronolit, Ljubljanski grad (Skalna dvorana), 27. november 2023; zvočna instalacija, Ljubljanski grad (Petokotni stolp), produkcija: Cona Institute / Festival TO)pot, 27. september – 27. november 2023
umetniška rezidenca, zvočna instalacija, delavnica, Mela Festival of Experimental Music, kurator: David Petráš, Slovenská národná galéria Schaubmarov mlyn, Pezinok (SK), rezidenca: 18.–24. avgust 2023, zvočna instalacija: 25.–26. avgust 2023, delavnica: 26. avgust 2023
urednica, Slovar skupnega znanja, Vol. 2, ured. Ida Hiršenfelder, kuratorji: Zdenka Badovinac, Jesús Carillo, Bojana Piškur and Ida Hiršenfelder, založlia: Moderna galerija (MG+MSUM), Ljubljana in L’Internationale, 2022. ISBN 978-961-206-153-1
geolokacijski zvočni sprehod, Estranged, a sound-walk on Echoes, Yaara Yaniv in Ida Hiršenfelder, v platformi Echoes, Haag (NL), od 26. november 2022
zvočna instalacija in koncert, Jata C (beepblip, OR poesis, Boštjan Perovšek, Bojana Šaljić Podešva, Brane Zorman), Kronolit, Paralelne zvočne krajine, Kino Šiška, Ljubljana, 17.–18. november 2022
zvočna instalacija in koncert, Jata C, Kronolit, Gibanja: eksperimentalno zvočno događanje, organizira: KONTEJNER – Biro za suvremenu umjetničku praksu, kustosinja: Davorka Begović, Muzej suvremene umjetnosti MSU, Zagreb (HR), 9.–13. november 2022
in-situ performans, Zvočni sprehodi, organizacija: Bureau des guides – GR 2013, Spomin drevesa, festival Acoustic Commons, produkcija: LOCUS SONUS + École supérieure d’art d’Aix-en-Provence (FR), v sodelovanju z Zavod Cona, 8. oktober 2022
zvok za sodobni ples, Snježana Premuš in Anja Bornšek, Touch Tissue Fabric, produkcija: Zavod Federacija, Minoritska cerkev, Lutkovno gledališče Maribor, 3. oktober 2022
predavanje, Archive of Commons, Digitising in Common: Distributed Forms of Cultural Property and Authorship, Centro Cultural de España + Centro Multimedia, Mexico City (MX), 22. september 2022
ambisonična kompozicija, Festival OTTOsonics (Alter Bauhof), Ottensheim (AT), 17. september 2022
koncert – živa elektronika, Festival Sound Explicit, selektor: Boštjan Simon, Cukrarna, Ljubljana, 14. september 2022
delavnica, Simulator modularne sinteze, VCV Rack 2 rack in modularna sinteza, serija Modul@rnice, produkcija: Projekt Atol, Ljubljana, 31. avgust – 1. september 2022
koncert, Jata C group (beepblip, OR poesis, Boštjan Perovšek, Bojana Šaljić Podešva, Brane Zorman), Kronolit, 30. avgust 2022 (Švicarija, Ljubljana)
improvizacija z AIM Association for Improvised Music (Tisa Neža Herlec, Christine Cornwell, Josué Amador, Gonçalo Almeida, Philipp Ernsting), “AIM to Connect”, with Suzana Lascu, Friso van Wijck, Thodoris Ziarkas, Johanna Monk, Agota Tamelyte, Dorota Matejova, Ida Hiršenfelder, Hugo Costa, Asim Halwarvi, Bibi Milanese, Batavierhuis, Rotterdam (NL), 22. junij 2022 [audio documentation]
zvočna instalacija, Časovni zamik / Kemobrionični vrt, na skupinski razstavi The Beauty of Early Life, ZKM | Centrum für Kunst und Medien, v sodelovanju s Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Karlsruhe, kustosi Peter Weibel in Norbert Lenz z Eduardom Harmsom, Philippom Zieglerjem, Hannah Jung, Karlsruhe (DE), 25. marec ‒ 10. julij 2022 (brošura)
jam session serijasublimating networks, vol. 7, selektorica: Suzana Lașcu, (udeleženci: beepblip, Milena Khalil, Suzana Lașcu, Hugo Lioret, Leslie Smucker), Radio WORM, Rotterdam (NL), 22. april 2022
generativni zvočnovizualni performans, beepblip z Lino Rico in Tiso Nežo Herlec, Relativna tišina ob zori, Cirkulacija 2, produkcija: Sektor, Ljubljana, 20. december 2021
koncert s terenskimi posnetki, Obviously Unthinkable #2, kustosa: Evelina Domnitch in Dmitry Gelfand, v sodelovanju z Germanom Popovom, Paulom Prudencem, Mikom Rijniersom, beepblip, instrumentsinventors iii, Haag (NL), 23. oktober 2021
koncert, Jata C (beepblip, OR poesis, Boštjan Perovšek, Bojana Šaljić Podešva, Brane Zorman), Bibaret, Acoustic Commons, Cona Institute, Notranjska Regional Park, Cerknica, Slovenija, 13. oktober 2021
evaluacija, Ida Hiršenfelder, Acoustic Commons, organizacija: Zavod Cona, 10.–13. oktober 2021 in december 2021
koncert, oOo Liquid, otvoritveni dogodek HEKA: PLIMA, z Mauriciem Valdes San Emeteriom in Robertino Šebjanič, PiNA, Koper/Capodistria, 1. oktober 2021
koncert, Jata C (beepblip, OR poesis, Boštjan Perovšek, Bojana Šaljić Podešva, Brane Zorman), Bibaret, R.O.R. festival organizacija: Kolektiv BridA, Šempas (SI), 2.–4. julij 2021
koncert, Mestni inkubator Ljubljana, Zvočni Lišp, z II/III, Ingver, Gverilke in Lip Rouge, selektcija: Lip Rouge (Karmen Ponikvar in Eva Mulej), Železniški muzej, Ljubljana, 17. junij 2021
koncert, Jata C (beepblip, OR poesis, Boštjan Perovšek, Bojana Šaljić Podešva, Brane Zorman), Festival Pixxelpoint, Mala dvorana Kulturnega centra, Nova Gorica, 11. december 2020
projekcija in pogovor, Ana Čigon, Ida Hiršenfelder, Saša Spačal, Flow/Tok, Festival Baturu Culture [翔凤文化节], Hong Kong (PRC), 28. november 2020
pogovor, Ida Hiršenfelder z glasbenikom Lifecutterjem, Radio Terminal, Intermedijski grill, 25. november 2020
pogovor, Ida Hiršenfelder z medijskim umetnikom Boštjanom Čadežem o delu Line Rider za VR, KonS, MKC Maribor, 20. november 2020 (Video dokuementacija)
conversation, Ida Hiršenfelder in conversation with audiovisual artist Tadej Droljc about his recent projects, Radio Terminal, Intermedijski grill, 11. november 2020 [video documentation]
zvok za sodobni ples, Oči, ki letijo. Krhka koreografija, koreografija: Anja Bornšek, Barbara Kanc, Tina Valentan, koporodukcija: Platforma in Kino Šiška, Kino Šiška – Katedrala, Ljubljana, 28. in 29. september 2020
intervju in nastop v živo, Senzorama, izbor: Tine Vrabič–Nitz, Festival Tresk, Radio Študent, 89.3 MHz, 25. september 2020
zvok za sodobni ples, Oči, ki letijo, koreografija: Anja Bornšek, Barbara Kanc, Tina Valentan, koporodukcija: MOJa KreacijA, Kino Šiška, Lutkovno gledališče Maribor, Platforma za sodobni ples, Minoritska cerkev, Maribor, 2. september 2020
spletni koncert, Jata C: Bibaret JC210120, (beepblip, OR poesis, Boštjan Perovšek, Bojana Šaljić Podešva, Brane Zorman), Cona Zavod v živo, 21. maj 2020
spletna urednica, Ida Hiršenfelder, Viralni avtoportreti, spletna razstava, koncept: Zdenka Badovinac, Muzej sodobne umetnosti Metelkova, Ljubljana 15. maj – 31. december 2020
jam session, Impronedeljek, Kino Šiška, Ljubljana, 17. februar 2020
koncert, Jata C: Bibaret JC210120 (beepblip, OR poesis, Boštjan Perovšek, Bojana Šaljić Podešva, Brane Zorman), Steklenik – galerija za zvok, bioakustiko in umetnosti, Ljubljana, 21. januar 2020
zvočna knjiga, Jata C in Ida Hiršenfelder z Robertino Šebjanič in Alešem Hiengom – Zergonom, et al., Steklenik 2018/2019, 21. januar 2020
8-kanalna zvočna instalacija, Jata C: Bibaret JC210120 (beepblip, OR poesis, Boštjan Perovšek, Bojana Šaljić Podešva, Brane Zorman), Steklenik – galerija za zvok, bioakustiko in umetnosti, Ljubljana, 18. januar – 6. junij 2020
koncert, Jata C: Bibaret JC170120 (beepblip, OR poesis, Boštjan Perovšek, Bojana Šaljić Podešva, Brane Zorman), Rojstni dan umetnosti 2020, ARS – 3. program Radia Slovenija, Ljubljana in ORF Kunstradio, Dunaj, 17. januar 2020 [video dokumentacija]
svetovalka za arhive, Looking Back to Look Forward online exhibition, curated by osborn&møller, organised by City of Women, ŠKUC Gallery, supported by Moderna galerija (Web Museum) Ljubljana, Slovenija, 10. oktober 2019
live-set, Forest Gush, Chill&Grill, N:45.846782 E:14.755139, Slovenija, 20. julij 2019
field recording residency, Sonic Future Residencies organised by Jumătatea plină Association and the podcast platform for radio art, creative sound documentaries and field recording SEMI SILENT, Danube Delta National Park, Romania, 24. junij – 2. julij 2019
sound installation with Robertina Šebjanič and Aleš Hieng – Zergon, Sound Disposition / Crystal Gardens, Steklenik, Ljubljana, 9. marec – 3. maj 2019
koncert, with Robertina Šebjanič and Aleš Hieng – Zergon, Sound Disposition / Crystal Gardens, Steklenik – Gallery for sound, bioacustics and art, Ljubljana, 5. marec 2019
sound exhibition, ICEmeltings with Amper-o-mat, beepblip, OR poiesis, Boštjan Perovšek, Bojana Šaljič Podešva, Brane Zorman, @Steklenik – Gallery for sound, bioacustics and art, Ljubljana, 26. januar – 3. marec 2019
koncert with Amper-o-mat, beepblip, OR poiesis, Boštjan Perovšek, Bojana Šaljič Podešva, Brane Zorman for Art’s Birthday 2019, @ARS – 3 Programme of Radio Slovenija and ORF Kunstradio, 17. januar 2019
responsive installationSonoseismic Earth with Saša Spačal, presented at Device_art 6.018 festival group exhibition, organised by KONTEJNER | bureau of contemporary art praxis, @MSU – Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagreb, Croatia, 6. december 2018 – 3. februar 2019
video lecture, Chronicles of Terraforming the Planet Earth, at Intra_fluks symposium of the solo exhibition of Saša Spačal: Earthlink, Vžigalica Gallery, 7. november 2018, 12 min
archive adviser,at Transfer | Circuits Archival exhibition z vodenim ogledom in spletno razstavo, curated by Lenka Đorojević and Alja Lobnik, organised by City of Women, Old Power Station / entrance hall, supported by Moderna galerija (Web Museum) Ljubljana, Slovenia, 5.–14. oktober 2018
track on sound compilationAccess Frame: Collectivity. What is the frame through which we are allowed, and able, to access culture?, published @Kamizdat, Ljubljana, 14. julij 2018
koncert, AMonFM – SDR, @AMRO – Art Meets Radical Openness festival, Stadtwerkstatt, Linz, Austria, 19. maj 2018
editor, of the Glossary of Common Knowledge, book launch, Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova, +MSUM, 14. maj 2018
book editor, Glossary of Common Knowledge, edited by Ida Hiršenfelder and curated by Zdenka Badovinac, Jesús Carillo, Bojana Piškur and Ida Hiršenfelder, published by Moderna galerija (MG+MSUM), Ljubljana and L’Internationale, april 2018. ISBN 978-961-206-132-6
responsive installationSonoseismic Earth with Saša Spačal, presented at Futurology group exhibition, curated by Nadja Zgonik, @City Gallery of Nova Gorica, Slovenia, 9.–30. marec 2018
exhibition curator, Pioneers of Computer Art, in the context of MFRU – International Festival of Computer Art, UGM Studio, 6. oktober 2017
sound performance AMonFM, Slavne neznane [Famous Uknown] series of sound performances, curated by Nina Dragičević, @ŠKUC Gallery, Ljubljana, 1. oktober 2017
responsive installation,Sonoseismic Earth, in collaboration with Saša Spačal, Speculum Artium Festival, Delavski dom Trbovlje, Trbovlje, 14.–16. september 2019
screening of documentary film, Flow, directors: Ana Čigon, Ida Hiršenfelder, Saša Spačak, 5th Deuje babe Festival, Idrija Theatre, 8. marec 2017
delavnica Theremidi Orchestra, Super-in-Low, RAMPA Lab, Initiative for Women with a Sense for Technology, Science and Art, 13. februar 2017
responsive installation, Sonoseismic Earth, in collaboration with Saša Spačal, Aksioma Project Space, 22. februar – 10. marec 2017
audiovisual performance, Noisetrails TakeOff, Theremidi Orchestra feat. Wolfgang Spahn in Nahum, in the context of transmediale/CTM Vorspiel 2017, Spektrum Art Technology Community, Berlin, 1. februar 2017
delavnica Theremidi Orchestra, Super-in-Low, Hrastnik Youth Centre, 9. december 2016
curator of a research exhibition, Pioneers of Computer Art, @MSUM, Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova, Ljubljana, 25. oktober 2016 – 29. januar 2017
documentary film, Flow [tok], directed by Ana Čigon, Saša Spačal, Ida Hiršenfelder, co-produced by ČIPke Initiative | RAMPA Lab – Zavod Kersnikova, RTV Slovenija, premiere @ City of Women Festival, Ljubljana Puppet Theatre, 12. oktober 2016
re-issue of an artbook from Lenka Đorojević in Matej Stupica, Neur-O-Matic, installation, @ “Beyond the Globe” 8th Triennial of Contemporary Art – U3, curated by Boris Groys, Museum of Modern Art Ljubljana, 3. junij – 18. september 2016
ČIPke Initiative for women with a sense for technology, science and art, Final Exhibition, RAMPA Lab, 11. december, 2015
Theremidi Orchestra: Audio Visual Jam, performance at Biennial of Independent Illustration, Marmelada Serious, Kino Šiška, Ljubljana, 10.–15. november 2015
responsive sound installation, Sonoseismic Earth, in co-authorship with Saša Spačal, produced by Kibla, 7–10. oktober 2015; special event 16. julij 2015
workshop, How to say something about what you are doing?, Saša Spačal and Ida Hiršenfelder, ČIPke: Initiative for women with a sense for technology, science and art, 16. marec 2015
techno burlesque, Image Snatchers, Gromka Theatre, 14. maj 2015
techno burlesque, Image Snatchers, Pritličje, 23. april 2015
workshop and koncert, Theremidi Orchestra, Master class workshop on DIY electronics, ARTos, Nicosia, Cyprus, april, 2015
techno burlesque, Image Snatchers, Gromka Theatre, 26. marec 2015
artbook editing for Lenka Đorojević in Matej Stupica, Neur-o-Matic, installation, production: Ljudmila, producer: Tina Dolinšek Malina, MoTA – Museum of Transitory Art, 19. december 2014 – 16. januar 2015
final exhibition, ČIPke – Initiative for women with a sense for technology, science and art, 15. december 2014
koncert, Theremidi Orchestra, Improvising Cornelius Cardew Score No. 71, 76, 84 in collaboration with Jaka Berger – brgs, Sonica Festival, Kino Šiška, Ljubljana, 25. november 2014
curating a group exhibition, Meeting Out in the Open, Likovni salon, Gallery of Contemporary Art Celje, Guided tour on 29. november 2014; exhibition opened from 10. november – 7. december 2014
koncert, Theremidi Orchestra, EarZoom Festival, MSUM – Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova, Ljubljana, 17. oktober 2014
techno burlesque, Image Snatchers, City of Women Festival, Gromka Theatre, Ljubljana, 11. oktober 2014
kinetic sound installation, Crust: Sonoseismic Landscape, Artists: Saša Spačal and Ida Hiršenfelder, Kiblix Festival, Kibla Portal, Maribor, 8.–10. oktober 2014
performance, For the Birds, directed by Vlado Repnik, produced by babaLAN, Kiblix Festival, Maribor, 9. oktober 2014 in KinoŠiška, Ljubljana, 15. oktober 2014
performance, Toilet Whispers, Theory for Sale, co-production Light Guerilla Festival and Gulag, French Revolution Square, Vžigalica Gallery, Ljubljana, 26. september 2014, 2.–3. oktober 2014
text, SoundLighter, audiovisual responsive installation, artists: Marko Vivoda and Gašper Milkovič – Biloslav (Izland Collective), jesusonecstasy (Mitja Cerkvenik), co-production Light Guerilla Festival and Ljudmila, Alkatraz Gallery, 30. september – 8. oktober 2014
techno burlesque, Image Snatchers, TGromka Theatre, Ljubljana, 25. september 2014
koncert, Sound Happens in a Group!, Theremidi Orchestra, CT-SWaM + Eyebeam, New York City, @Industry City Distillery, 15. september 2014
master class workshop, Sound Happens in a Group!, Theremidi Orchestra, DIY electronic workshop, CT-SWaM + EyeBeam, New York City, 10.–15. september 2014
lecture with Robertina Šebjanič, Sound Happens in a Group! -Physical Computing+, Fall 2014, MFA Design + Technology, Parsons The New School, New York City, 12. september 2014
essay, Moving Objects, group exhibition, artists: Sanela Jahić, Borut Savski, Zoran Srdić Janežič, Curator: Ida Hiršenfelder, producer: Jana Putrle, produced by Gulag, Škrlovec Tower, Kranj, 23. avgust 2014
audiovisual performance, Drama in the Sound of the City: Emona calling, come in Ljubljana, Let’s Meet at Škuc, Sound Poetry Visual Event, Sound: Theremidi Orchestra, Poets: Mitja Drab, Jana Putrle Srdić, Peter Semolič, Tone Škrjanec, VJ: Gorazd Krnc, Production: Gulag, Škuc Gallery, Ljubljana, 26. julij 2014 + Škrlovec Tower, Kranj, 26. oktober 2014
workshop, Theremidi Orchestra, Chill&Grill XI, Production: Synaptic, 19. julij 2014
techno burlesque, Image Snatchers, Gromka Theatre, Ljubljana, 29. maj 2014
essay and lecture, Cartography of Transitions. A transitory research symposium and meeting, ARTos Foundation, Nicosia, Cyprus, 23.–25. maj 2014
koncert, Theremidi Orchestra: “Antifa”, part of “Victory over Fascism Day” and “Official National Celebration of 10th Anniversary of Joining the EU”, KSEVT, Vitanje, Slovenia, 9. maj 2014, live broadcasted on RTV Slovenia.
artist-in-residency, Trasformatorio, International Laboratory Residency, Montalbano Elicona, Sicily, Italy, 22. april – 2. maj 2014 >> see: Etna Experiment
techno burlesque, Image Snatchers, 44th Week of Slovenian Drama, Škrlovc Tower, PG Kranj, 5. april 2014
techno burlesque, Image Snatchers, Gromka Theatre, Ljubljana, 3. april 2014
reviews, Barva na dlaneh [Colour on One’s Hands]: Colour on One’s Hands was a series of monthly portraits of artists at Dnevnik Daily published between June 2009 and December 2014. The idea for the series came out of a need to present younger or less-known artists and artistic collectives from fine arts, media art and design.
interview, Panoptikum: Archives and Memory, Panoptikum bi-weekly 50 minutes talk show at Slovene National Television Station dedicated to topics concerning humanism, philosophy, art and culture through the eyes of current social situation moderated by Boštjan Narat, Radio Televison Slovenia, 23. januar 2014
koncert, Theremidi Orchestra performance, TO: Picky Noises, Front Room Gallery, New York City, USA, 30. julij 2013
koncert, Theremidi Orchestra improvisation, Theremidi Orchestra WS, Jeremy D Slater, Kenya Kawaguchi, Sean McIntyre, Reid Bingham, Neverending SummerCamp, New York State, USA, 20. julij 2013
koncert, Theremidi Orchestra performance, Theremidi Orchestra WS: Picky Noises, Neverending SummerCamp, New York State, USA, 19. julij 2013
koncert, Theremidi Orchestra performance, Theremidi Orchestra WS: Picky Noises // SHARE at (OA) Can Factory, New York City, USA, 14. julij 2013
koncert, Theremidi Orchestra performance, Spring Break festival at Sub, Graz, 31. maj 2013
koncert, Theremidi Orchestra performance, Astrophoness with Karl Heinz Jeron as a part of Intertekst Astronavtka kozmonavtka, tribute to Sunita Williams, KSEVT, Vitanje, Slovenia, 24. maj 2013
koncert, Theremidi Orchestra performance, (Z)voćni mix with Karl Heinz Jeron, Media Lab I’MM, Zagreb, Croatia, 18. maj 2013
text: Iskra Beličanska: Ljubezen nad oblaki, in Dnevnik / Barva na dlaneh, 5. junij 2012
koncert, Theremidi Orchestraperformance, Score No.1 – Organism Chaos Score for an Ongoing Workshop, CoFestival, Dance Theatre Ljubljana (PTL), Ljubljana, Slovenia, 4. junij 2012
koncert, Theremidi Orchestraperformance, Antennas For All! – the closing event of REAL TIME SETTINGS FOR NER[D/V]ES exhibition, ŠKUC Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 19. april 2012
video selection, Desired Restrains; Ana Čigon, Vesna Bukovec, Jasna Hribernik, Zmago Lenárdič, Tomaž Furlan, on-line exhibition, Artyčok.tv, 17. julij – 17. avgust 2011
koncert, Theremidi Orchestra performance, First Performance at the ending of exhibition Powered by Ljudmila, Ljubljana City Art Gallery, in collaboration with Platform RADAR, Radio Student, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 22. junij 2011
essay, Alenka Gregorič, Keiko Suzuki, edit., Powered by Ljudmila, Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana MGML, City Gallery Ljubljana, 2011, 19. maj – 26. junij 2011
text, Art-Area 103: presek umetnostnega leta 2007, @ Radio Študent, 16. december 2007
text, Art-Area 102: Linus Nilsson / Bienale proširenih medija – Beograd / Jakopičeva nagrada, @ Radio Študent, 12. december 2007
text, Art-Area 101: bridA / Maja Smrekar / Sašo Sedlaček, @ Radio Študent, 28. november 2007
text, Art-Area 99: festival Mesto žensk / festival Mesec fotografije, 10. oktober 2007
text, Art-Area 98: Nebuyoshi Araki / VSSD / Slovenska kiparska razstava, @ Radio Študent, 26. september 2007
text, Art-Area 97: 27. Grafični bienale v Ljubljani, @ Radio Študent, 12. september 2007
text, Art-Area 96: razstava There Is Never A Stop And Never A Finish / projekt Lost Highway, @ Radio Študent, 29. avgust 2007
essay, Ida Hiršenfelder: Združevanje kreativnih moči (intervju) [Joining the Creative Forces (interview)], Likovne besede, 79/80, Summer 2007, Ljubljan
text, Art-Area 95: 52. Beneški bienale, @ Radio Študent, 18. julij 2007
group exhibition, “meinewaffe.com / Trash for Trash”, part of Homo bellicus. A Genealogy of War, curated by Mikala Hyldig Dal, 29. junij – 9. julij 2007, Berlin, Germany
text, Art-Area 94: Vaginal Davis / raziskovalni laboratorij Labsus / This Wojzak, @ Radio Študent, 27. junij 2007
text, Art-Area 93: Miha Štrukelj / son:DA / 52. beneški bienale, @ Radio Študent, 3. junij 2007
text, Art-Area 92: okrogla miza Kuratorske prakse / Viktor Bernik / Montevideo Amsterdam, @ Radio Študent, 23. maj 2007
text, Art-Area 91: Viennafair / predstava Digitalna komuna / Paulo Eurico Variz, @ Radio Študent, 9. maj 2007
text, Art-Area 89, @ Radio Študent, 11. april 2007
copywriting for Sanja Grcić: Družinske vezi: Globalna moda lokalna tradicija, MGLC, 26. januar – 9. februar 2007
text, Arterija 82, @ Radio Študent, 27. december 2006
interview, Arterija 80, @ Radio Študent, 22. november 2006
essay, Lara Badurina : serija = series : Moderna galerija, Studio “Josip Račić”, 31. januar – 19. februar 2006. : [katalog izložbe] / [predgovor Ida Hirsenfelder, Ana Dević ; prijevod
text, Hairlines, Lawrence Gallery, Philadelpia, USA 2007 Dualities, Media Nox, Maribor, Slovenia 2006
curator, Between Realism and Utopia, curating an exhibition of Chinese propaganda posters, produced by CodeEp, Festival of Spring, Yuan Sinology Society, 5.–26. maj 2005, Stara Elektrarna, Ljubljana
curator, Pretty Dirty, co-curating of a collaborative group show, a graduation exhibition of the World of Art School for Curators of Contemporary Art, ŠKUC Gallery, Ljubljana, 24. junij – 22. julij 2005
essay, Wang Huiqin, China Soirée, exhibition brochure, Palais Porcia, Wien, Austria