Sektor Ž is a monthly radio show dedicated to feminist politics, culture and art. It gets broadcasted every 2nd Saturday at 12 am on alternative radio station Radio Študent 89.3MHz in Ljubljana, Slovenia. The archive of the show before June 2012 may be found at Radio Student Archive Page.

The core part of the show is dedicated to feminist activism and immediate social initiatives, the integration of women in all spheres. The topics range from promotion of technological occupations, participation of women in politics, making visible social inequalities, pointing at  legislative injustice, social stigmatisation, giving voice to minorities and other specific feminist communities such as queer, lesbian, migrant women, unemployed women etc. The show has often hosted interviews with women who are addressing specific questions in their profession; for example artists problematising medication of the female body, academics talking about educational system, activists from local or international circles who are actively protesting against discriminatory laws for women like abortion rights, unequal salaries and job opportunities, discrimination of women in the public sphere, to name just a few. One of the goals of the show is to give the listeners the tools and information for attacking social injustice, and to make people understand the extent of feminist struggle and promote solidarity. The creators of the show work in close collaboration with local feminist communities, giving them media coverage for feminist topics that would go by unnoticed in the mainstream media.

Apart from the social intentions of the show there is also some air time for academic and theoretical feminist discussions which will most probably get more coverage in the following years.

More about the public, political and conceptual framework of the show may be found in an interview conducted by Tea Hvala for Grass Roots Feminism online magazine in 2011. Tea Hvala herself joined the editorial of the show in 2012 along with Teja Oblak, who are both indispensable contributors, editors and co-creators of the show. I am passing the editorial to them and younger writers Klara Otorepec, Mirna Berberović, and others.

Some direct links to the show
Feminizem razredna moč in islam
“Komunikacije” v demokratični družbi
Epifanija naše nacije
Obešenjaški obešalnik in pravica do splava
Ptičja perspektiva, ženske režiserke in Rdeče Zore
Sistemsko podcenjevanje dela žensk
Mati, ki je feministka!
S humorjem nad predsodke
Ko ženska sreča žensko ali kje ne pridemo skupaj
Kira O’Reilly: Arhitektura telesa
Simpozij o performerkah in nova izdaja Gender Apokalipse
Družbena konstrukcija spolne identitete
Upor delavk in kmetic
Revščina pod domačim pragom
Queer of our hearts
Judith Squires: Spol v politični teoriji
Preverjanje družbenega spola
Razmislek o filozofski etiki proti statistični segregaciji
Chicks on Speed
Spomin ne vara
Sektor Ž s festivalsko rdečico za 8. marec
Nevidno žensko delo in vidna feministična dela Hannah Wilke
Praznične zgodbe?
Feminizem v Iranu: Nesporazumi z implantacijo 
Sektor Ž od femicida do Doris Lessing
Hackanje realnosti: intervju z Marío Pérez