case study
I’ve contributed a case study, Testimonial and Material Evidence, an analysis of my practical knowledge from the position of working on the digital archival projects of the Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova. The publication offers fresh and valuable insights from numerous authors on the challenges of working with biomedia, with a particular focus on the preservation, archiving and digitisation of biomedia practices. Arc-hive: Case Studies and Life as an Object, published by KONTEJNER is accessible as a free e-publication online and in a limited number of printed copies at KONTEJNER and other partner organizations.
The publication is part of the project Arc-hive realized through collaboration between six European partner institutions: Kersnikova (Slovenia), KONTEJNER | biro suvremene umjetničke prakse (Croatia), (Spain), Bioart Society (Finland), Museum voor Natuurwetenschappen – Muséum des Sciences naturelles (Belgium) and Cultivamos Cultura (Portugal).